LIFT starts Christmas Program in Teong jail. As COVID-19 returns a big issue again in Chiang Rai so LIFT isn't permitted to go in which makes us a little bit regretful because apart from our Christmas gift that we prepare for them, we also got some Cloth Pads from Australian friends who want to make prisoners as a Christmas gift. Even so, we prayed that God would provide the best way for us.
When we got to the jail we heard from the leader that they allowed 1 staff to go in to explain how to use the Cloth Pads and give them to the prisoners on our own, so Yu went into the female zone where we regularly do the activity and gave all the Christmas gifts for all the female prisoners. Because of the time limit, instead of doing the activity, Yu shared the short meaning of why LIFT has to be here and the heart of Christmas.
We praised God for all the situations that had happened today, it seemed impossible but finally, God opened the way for us all.
LIFT prepared 160 packs of Christmas gifts for all the female prisoners.
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Keep safe everyone. #LIFThailand