Income Generation Project 2019 : Pig project

Running the Income Generation Project for 2019 as the Pig Project, LIF's provided 2 piglets and its food for the family.

Income Generation Project 2019

Running the Income Generation Projects for 2019 after surveying and collecting all the databases so LIF starts Chicken (that lays eggs) Projects to 3 families and 1 school which is providing all the chicken food and necessaries with 15 chickens for each family.

The new community survey.

Surveying the new community for the new year budget of 2019 which is located in Wiang Kaew sub-district ( 20 k.m. from downtown).
This is to survey and collect the database of the new cases.

Youth Detention Center

Running the 1st lesson @ Youth Detention Center under the main topic of ' The introduction of sex education' including to see the transition from childhood to adolescence both social and emotional. There're 56 students participated.

Team and Visitors

In these past beginning months of this year LIF's been visited by various teams from the different parts of Australia and The State who come to visit LIF's projects in the communities.

Christmas Activity

Running the late Christmas activity at Doi Hang Extended Jail program with there're the funny programs and Christmas story sharing and hand out all the necessary gifts to all the prisoners.

Running the Christmas program with Chiang Rai Christian International School students with the fun programs such as games, crafts, songs and presents.

Running the Christmas Program @ Youth Detention Center with lots of fun activities and sharing about Christmas. There're a hundred participants.

World AIDS Day activity

On the 1st of Dec. is the World AIDS Day and as we’ve been working for this, LIFT runs this activity with Rong Pla Khao school to do the walking campaign around the community and in the evening LIFT joins the activity with Christian activity which is called 'Blessing Chiang Rai Festival' to distribute the red & white balloons. These are for people to aware and recognize about HIV / AIDS.

Teams Visits.

We’ve got teams from Riverlife Baptist Church and Gateway Baptist Church come to visit LIF’s projects and roaming around Chiang Rai.

Riverlife Baptist Church Team

Gateway Baptist Church Team

Teen to Teen Camp 2018

Running the annual camp to the grade 4-9 students at Rong Pla Khaw school.
Ther're about 48 students participated and there're lots of fun and knowledge!!